VGR Groep Content 25-07 2023 - Nieuws

Municipality of Drimmelen completely unburdened in sports field maintenance

25 July 2023

VGR is responsible for the maintenance of all sports fields in the municipality of Drimmelen: 16 fields spread over five villages. The cooperation started in 2015 and has now been successfully extended for the coming years. “We are completely taken care of,” says Martien van Eekelen, cultural engineering work planner at Drimmelen municipality.

“Everything that has to do with sports field maintenance is done by VGR for us. At least twice a year, we go around the fields together for an external inspection.”

Rapid processing

All associations in the municipality can log in to a portal. Should they have any complaints or comments about the pitches, they can be reported there and VGR will deal with them. “We have enforced this in the specifications. All complaints and reports are neatly resolved by the contractor. For our part, we like the cooperation with VGR very much. I’m also still learning from them every time.”

Leaf fertilisation

The fields are mowed with reel mowers. When fertilising, VGR deliberately chooses VGR GreenGood leaf fertilisation. “VGR came up with this itself, and we welcome it wholeheartedly,” says Van Eekelen. “Although you can't always avoid fertiliser, we prefer to use as little as possible. Leaf fertilisation is done to get soil life going. The dosage is lower, and it is given more often. The fields improve tremendously: after one and a half weeks you can already see where fertiliser has or has not been applied. You can also adjust more easily with a small dosage.”

Soil as the basis

So, in sports field maintenance in the municipality of Drimmelen, VGR’s credo of ‘healthy soil, better turf’ is clearly reflected. Van Eekelen: “The soil and plants just must do it. And if the grass plant is doing well, quite little fertilisation is needed. The circular nature of VGR is also reflected in the maintenance,” says Van Eekelen. “The cut grass from the sports fields is processed at VGR's own composting facility. With any luck, it is then returned to its own sports park.”

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VGR Groep Content 25-07 2023 - Nieuws

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